Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Dreams of fame and fortune dashed

To close the link originated earlier in my blog, I thought I'd better start this missive by saying that Dad and I didn't make it onto The Block NZ...... this arrived in my inbox today:

I am definitely disappointed because I think it would have been such a great challenge, but knowing that the reality of doing the show would have been utterly stressful makes me feel OK about it.  Really. Mostly. 

In other news, Guest Blogger Steve went M.I.A!  He didn't do a post! What was he doing while I was away in Adelaide?  Well, to fill you in, he was stressing about floor board colours, organising sanders, shifting fridges, picking up baths and shifting 34kg concrete blocks.  Oh, and fitting in his actual paid job.  So he was doing a lot, but it didn't leave enough time to actually write about it. 

Meanwhile, I had a great time swanning about in Adelaide with my Mum and Frank (away from the realities Steve faced above) - Max was on fine form, except for in the middle of the night, where he cried out 'mummy, mummy' and kept walking the halls.  We did quite a bit of sight seeing, and wine drinking, and eating.  Here is a visual overview:
At McLaren Vale - Frank drove so Mum and I had a merry time! 
This vineyard was fantastic and even had a toybox for Max.
At Coriole vineyard - Frank and Mum with young Maxwell.
And here is a vineyard named after himself.  There were twin dogs there called 'Olive and Sofie', which if you don't know, are very close to Maxwell's twin sister's names.
Max with his banana in pyjamas, made by Frank's mum, Rowena.  It's very, very cute and the top even comes off.

You can see that Max was probably enjoying life as a singleton and once home he realised that things were not going to be quite so cushy!  One thing that has warmed the cockles of my heart is seeing his sisters give him bear hugs and helping him walk up hills - he's a lucky man.

Coming back from my break, I was really happy to see that the floors look amazing, and not orange as Steve feared.  They are more a burnt caramel.... I would show you a picture if I could, however I'm actually now in Pauanui, escaping the renos with the kids for a week.  Our fridge was on the porch outside and the BBQ in the front yard by the Portaloo, so it was decided I'd be better off at Steve's parents place on the Coromandel (how lucky are we?). 

The 3 amigos, reunited
We dropped the car off to get a Warrant of Fitness this morning, and walked back.  It was a beautiful morning; the birds were singing, the sun was shining and the car passed its WOF.  Oh, whoops, no it didn't! Not to worry, it's not a major thing to fix it.
The Maxy Taxi
Sofia and Olivia enjoyed their time with Grandma and Grandad in Pauanui, and are thrilled to be back again so soon!
However, being off-site means there is very little I can tell you about the building, but here's what I know:

- The project manager/orderer/organiser guy is out of action, awaiting an operation on his back.  This means the guys onsite have been going and picking up timber and things themselves, so things have definitely slowed down.
- Steve's dad is at the ready with a paint brush.  We hope that some of the plastering is dry very soon so that Bruce can get on with it as he has limited time to do it.
- We are waiting for the timber for the floor - I think this will actually end up being the thing to hold us up.  Without this, the kitchen can't go in. 

Still so much to do, and it seems it is now dragging a bit - but probably because the finish is so tangible.

I will write once back in Auckland next week, unless I have any other very exciting news to impart in the meantime!

Anna x

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