Thursday, 11 April 2013

Helter Shelter

We have a roof!  The very best thing is that it was put up the day before we had torrential rain so I feel even more elated than expected over this milestone.

That means tomorrow is the actual roof shout, so I have the kiwi dip in the fridge chilling and the white bread (I didn't think builders would be down with grainy bread?) and sausages thawing.  I just need therefore to pick up ice tomorrow to make sure the Heinekens are icy cold.

Here are our current worries to get straight down to business:

1)  That our kitchen bench is too big.  It is really long, it's true, and Steve is very worried it will dominate the whole space too much.  I have tried reassuring Steve.  As in, yes it is really long but it will be worth it because we will spend so much of our time in and around the kitchen.  Eating, computing, working, talking, drawing, baking, serving.  He's not convinced.

2)  That it's too dark!  We don't have windows in the fireplace wall and I am beginning to wonder if that was a mistake..... eek.  See picture below for reference:
A bit much wall, not enough light?
3) That the funny bit of roof above our main bathroom looks weird externally.  I don't think I like it because our tall bathroom window now looks cut off and bitsy and definitely not original.  It was always going to be a tricky bit, and I expect this is the best solution so I will get used to it.
The funny bit is at right of the tall window.  This is looking towards the back entrance to our wee boot room.
That's all the list of worries for now.  Now here are a few highlights:

The roof and it's not on fire! 
The old dining room window, now in the NEW dining area.  How cool is that.
Sofia asking me what I was worried about
Max checking out the electrical work.  The powerpoints are in the correct place.  Phew.
The kids are all practicing to be building apprentices.  The cleaning up is part of this role.
A near miss.  Max is a bit dangerous with that broom.
Although he looks very cute with it.
Sofia's meticulous cleaning.  Tomorrow I shall tell the apprentice he is out of a job.  My three will be just as good and much cheaper.

I must go and do my nails!  I have a job interview tomorrow morning so they need to look beautiful.
Anna x

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