Saturday, 13 April 2013

Just really quickly

We had the roof shout last night and it was good - the builders were very polite and nice and friendly.  I was worried there would not be enough sausages and bread so way over-catered and Steve told me off.  However, it really could have gone either way because there were a few builders who were still working and couldn't make it.  So that's me acquitted from the crime of over-supply, right?

The curious thing was that only one of the 24 x Jack Daniels and cola was drunk.  This is curious for the reason that last week, as mentioned, there were bourbon and colas drunk in abundance.  Suddenly Steve and I thought - with a gasp, because that sounds good - "I bet Jack Daniels' is what old people drink!".  The reason doesn't really matter but suffice to say, I hate bourbon and cola and it's really sweet and I felt ill yet strangely compelled to drink some given no one else did!!

I do have a picture to prove it but that's for another day.

Steve and I have enjoyed some beautiful and tranquil time without our children thanks to our wonderful friends Tamah and Campbell, and to my sister and bro-in-law.  We went out!  We went to a bar!  And had drinks!  And dinner.  I won't tell you what else we had.  Oh, Ok, Chocolate brownie!  Tricked you, didn't I.  You thought I was going to be rude.

Child-free dinner
And a child-friendly dinner.  What was going on without us.... thanks Tamah for this picture!

Earlier today, we moved our kitchen into the girls old bedroom, moved the spare bed into our bedroom and our kitchen is standing, masoleum-like, sparkling, bare and brave.   And it's on Trade Me.

Here are the latest illustrations of activity:

Spare bed in our bedroom.  If Steve snores, that's it!  He's in the spare bed.  And guests can sleep with us!

Our new kitchen, without running water, a dishwasher, or an oven. 
But we still have an espresso machine and wine, so we'll be OK.

Old Mrs Hubbard's cupboards are bare!
The next pictures I post will be of this space but demolished! Very exciting.  Also watch this space for the big stacker door pic.  It will be EPIC.
Anna x

1 comment:

  1. do the builders read your blog Annie? Just asking....
