So Dad, I am ignoring my children (well, one is asleep) to write this. Currently - and I kid you not - Sofia and Olivia are climbing on the balcony at the front of the house and while they are very good at balancing and gymnastics I am not 100% comfortable with it. But we have lost our climbing tree out the back for a while and it seems they need a height fix every day. I could tell them they can't do it, but it makes them want to do it more. And I am supervising, sort of!
Now they're back inside and practicing their ABCs. Much safer.
Where we are at today building-wise:
- we have had the concrete poured for the foundations
- we have the base course down (two loads from the big truck which actually managed to back down our driveway)
- the plumbing for the kitchen is in - for the sink and for the fridge which has water in it
- the roof angles have been measured in preparation for getting a roof on!
- we are losing our kitchen in about two weeks - hello kitchenette/BBQ/Gas cooker!
What I found out today:
The apprenctice builder is 17. Seventeen seems so young (and the plumber on the job still has his L plates). He's only been on the job for five weeks so he is a total newbie. His father was a builder so he knows how it all works and anyway, he is good at doing what he is told, which is his job right now. He drinks tea with one sugar.
The builders work 7:30am until 5:30pm and the main man on site said that's normal - he said that the owner has them on a pretty strict schedule. Today though they are finishing early to have a few beers due to another builder guy leaving. I just thought that the apprentice is not even legally old enough to have one.
Back to how the builders have their hot drinks. Steve is firmly of the belief they should be catered to and he is a wonderful host to them. On Tuesday, he took them out some cuppas in takeaway cups and wrote their orders down on the fridge so we would remember for next time. I felt guilty I hadn't been making the offer so yesterday I baked chocolate chip biscuits (doubling as an activity to do with the girls) and took out about eight enormous biscuits and hot drinks to the three builders. There was a knock on the door about ten minutes later, and it was the apprentice delivering the tray and empty containers back to me. I stupidly thought the biscuits would last all day. So I can't be baking for them all the time; they'd eat us out of house and home. Anyway - I won't be having an oven for much longer. That won't excuse me from tea and coffee-making though!
Chocolate chip biscuits made by Sofia and Olivia |
OK change of subject:!he-says-she-says/c1vzw. Latest thinking on lights is a cluster of these, and perhaps two of the wall lights for the lounge area.....just not sure on colour yet.
The kids are all back to climbing outside, after having a dance on the dancing rug.
The builders have packed up and have gone home at 3:21pm - so we are free to go outside and play!
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