Sunday, 24 March 2013

Slab Party

We christened our slab on Saturday night with a raging party!  It was fantastic and we were up ALL night long.  Though this wasn't because of too much partying, it was because Olivia has a cough like a barking seal and was doing that all night.

Here are some pictures of our concrete christening.  Note that such a party isn't complete without playdough.

Playdough for five

I love the indoor/outdoor flow.  Those two beer bottles aren't mine.

Dinner for five!  Pork roast, sausages, salad and fresh bread.  AND apple cake by Nikki and ice cream for dessert!

Zoe, the building site's ferocious guard dog.
Of other building importance, we have:
*  Picked up our new dining table (thank you Michael Kerr)
*  Picked up some Macrocarpa sleepers for the garden bed at the top
*  Moved out of our dining room!  The dining room is now in the girls' bedroom, and the kitchen will be there when we lose that shortly.
*  Moved the twins into Max's room in their bunks.  It's a tight fit but awfully cute with three sleeping babies in there.
*  Moved the spare bed into the new dining/kitchen!  Great for a midnight feast if you stay with us.  But I can't figure out where to put the fridge!  The BBQ is now on the front porch.
This is mostly in readiness for the builders to rip off the back wall so that they can start to join up the roofing.  That will happen this week and will be a major change as we'll lose our front row view out the dining room windows!  That was quite a good breakfast backdrop.
It's 12.30am and Steve and I are finally done.  Hopefully what we've sorted out this weekend will mean minimal upheaval when our kitchen does go!  I will take some pics of our new set up soon and post them.
In non building related news, Max has had a hair cut (he was looking a bit like the crazy professor on Back to the Future) and is wearing his first pair of trainers.  These are shoes Max picked out for himself at Stirling Sports with Grandma Moira.  "Thanks Grandma", said Max if he could talk. 
Check out both items here:

Signing off because I am ready for bed - good night.

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