Thursday, 21 March 2013

More on concrete

Guest blogger Steve here…

Yesterday a different plumber turned up to cut a big hole in our one week old concrete pad.  He didn’t seem nearly as grumpy as the other one so I presume he was getting well paid to undo the stuff up. The beauty of a fixed price contract is that I don’t have to sort it out.

A little  bit of new concrete was laid to re-fill the hole and the kids promised me they wouldn’t go near it:

Mike and Ann Louise joined us for a kumara something dinner and I took this photo of our beautiful framing with the moon as a backdrop.

Today was even more exciting as the roof trusses went up.  Ben and the crew got the whole lot up in one day.  The next job is to join the trusses up with the existing roof which means we'll be losing our dining room on Monday.  We’ll also not have access to the main bathroom for a week – so there will be some logistics to sort out over the weekend.


But we won’t be short of a loo - look what turned up on the front lawn….

Weather boards have also turned up today and we have been busy finalising specs of doors for the inside - lots to do Livvy...




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