Thursday, 14 March 2013

Slab down

Here it is, the long awaited house update!

Since last week, the builders have been going gangbusters.  I might let the pictures tell the story. 

Now, where were we up to?
Ah yes, that's right.  The trenches were dug.

And we actually bought the lights.  Remember these?  We ordered one in smoke grey, one steel blue and one pink.  I figure that our kitchen is all white and our walls will (probably) be white too, so to inject some colour this way will be fun.
Our new kitchen lights (look at the three larger ones and you'll get the idea).
The poor builders have had no more biscuits or tea because I have been a working woman this week.  I filled in as Sandy from Grease at a trade show.  The girls thought it was excellent because Mummy got into dress ups every morning.  It was lots of fun but it has left me under no illusion about how organised Steve and I would have to become for me to go back to work full-time.  Another realisation is that I feel like I have had a break equivalent to that of a 5 star cruise in the Bahamas for ten days. 
I don't look that relaxed but this was the first day.  I was semi-waiting for little people to jump out from behind trees asking me to wipe their bottoms.

Despite the lack of baking, the builders were happy because the nanny was a young gorgeous blonde Irish girl.

And perhaps she made them work harder. This is the progress this week:

Not really a progress shot, but don't Uncle Mike and Steve look sweet together? 
 The insulation laid down
And the concrete pad!  All marked out for our beautiful big stacker doors. 
We will have enough room for our dining table!
And that is all for today because it's bedtime.  Tomorrow the framing goes up and it's door day.  As in, choosing some doors for our new house!  And then it's the weekend (we're going camping!) so look forward to an update on Monday.
Lots of love,
Sandy x

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